Wednesday 29 April 2015

The new guy

Introducing Skittle

We met him in Oct 2012 while at a fundraising lurcher event as a 7 month puppy, he was such a happy puppy it was easy to fall for him but with pepper needing all my attention and care it was impossible to take on another dog, we were lucky enough to spend 24 hrs with him in our home before he went off to his new home.

Then In May 2013 we lost pepper, by June I was looking about to see what lurchers were available and I spotted skittle back in rescue, I made enquieries and by July we were fostering with the idea of adopting if all went well.  It took just 3 weeks to discover that he wasnt going anywhere else, he remained despite bouncing twice back to rescue purely because the adopters did not understand what skittle was about or what he was very clearly telling them or asking of them, a very happy and accepting lad, just a bit bigger than I remembered as a puppy and a bit louder.

So a few shots from recent days to show his absolute zest and love of life, a great honor for the original nutty lurcher pepper, the next generation on, he has taken up the challenge to follow on her blog

update April 2015

An update, five years on

I lost pepper in May 2013, he age was finally what took her from me.  She refused to grow old gracefully and continued in her mantra of managing it disgracefully, she kept us on our toes every day and I loved every precious minute of it, we miss her every day.

Some photos of her last few years with us, she raced till she was 14, she did agility till she was 14, she shared her home with three foster dogs then guinea pigs and lots and lots of walks or events with friends.

Sunday 30 May 2010

I moved house

I havent managed to keep this blog up to date due to a lot of things going on in our lives, we moved into a new flat with a garden and then we took on a foster lad who has taken up most of the time we had spare.

I am hoping to start peppers adventures again soon, and you never know it could be we have a new addition to complete the set

Tuesday 7 April 2009

a balitent plug

I have to put the word out for this new website as its important to spread the word.

Have a look at the website - click on the word website

Its all about disabled dogs who are the result of merle to merle matings, well worth a look.

Sunday 8 February 2009

a sunset walk

a glorious sunset and out with pepper - too good an opportunity to miss

Tuesday 27 January 2009

Oh my god, not again

Ok, her eye has healed up nicely so this evening she has ripped her dew claw, it is the same one she has caught and damaged and she has done it yet again.

So the shaft is still attached and sideways, but the claw is not beeding, she is happy to play on with the toy, so I hope she will manage to pull it off completely - nope, she hurts it and goes all pathetic on me.

Put the toy away and hope she will poop so we can go home, I can then snip the claw shaft off and she wont catch it, the quick will dry up, and she will be fine - do you get the impression I am used to doing this

But madam is in major ham roll and will not poop, I walked half way round weston, up and down the beach till she eventually pooped (hooray), so we went home.

Muzzle on, clippers out and she does the "not having my foot" nonsense, manage to clip part of the claw but cant quite get the bit I need, but at least its shorter. The OH will not hold her, cos he is scared of her - she is muzzled for heavens sake.

She is now hamming it up walking round the room, not lying on her bed, wont get up on the sofa with us (she happily got on the bed just now with the OH), and keeps leaning on me. I sound heartless, she is fine, she is not in pain - it is prob a little sore, she is hamming it up for attention and she will have forgotten all about it in a couple of hours.

Didnt stop her eating her tea though did it.

A naked lady for you

when I take her collar off she looks so naked, sill really cos she isnt wearing clothes.


she is such a tart with it as well.


but cute.